Showing posts with label MA Mount Greylock State Reservation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MA Mount Greylock State Reservation. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mount Greylock State Reservation, MA: Greylock in the Round

Mount Greylock State Reservation - Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
Click for North Adams, Massachusetts 

GPS Coordinates to Rockwell Road/Sperry Road Parking 42.624380, -73.190564

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There is room for about 10 cars in this lot.  Sperry Road starts directly across from this parking area.  Although Sperry Road is off limits to cars (some older maps still show it as being accessible for cars) you can drive in a short distance where there are additional pull-outs on the right side for parking.

NOTE:  This hike, Hike #4 - Greylock in the Round, starts in a different lot off of Hopper Road.  I picked the Sperry Road lot since I had others with me that would be hiking a shorter route with less elevation gain so this parking area was a better starting point for them.  This turned out to be a good choice as the sun was setting at the end of the hike and the trails were becoming very dark.  Hiking down to Hopper Road that late in the day to get back to the car would have involved a steep descent going down into an even darker valley.  Having parked on Sperry Road, we had the option of abandoning the darker trail and taking the paved Rockwell Road back to the car for some gorgeous sunset views along the way.

Mount Greylock State Reservation Summer Use Trail Map - MA DCR  (most up to date map)
Mount Greylock Trail Guide & Map - Berkshire Natural Resources Council, Inc.  (very nice map but a little outdated)

HIKE DISTANCE:  12.4 miles

All trails are blazed in blue except the Appalachian Trail which has white blazes.  The Haley Farm Trail will have a few white blazes interspersed with the blue.  Intersections are very well marked with trail names.  While there are no rock scrambles along this route, there are several long, steep inclines and switchbacks.
Beginning of Sperry Road across Rockwell Road from Parking Area
Mr. Greylock Summit War Memorial as seen from Stony Ledge
Haley Farm Trail
View From Haley Farm Trail
Field crossing at Bottom of Haley Farm Trail
Money Brook Trail
Hiking Through The Hopper
Money Brook Falls (low water flow end of July)
Meeting Up with the Appalachian Trail
Williamstown with Adirondacks in the distance from Mount Prospect View
Mount Williams Summit
View From Mount Williams
Crossing the road on the way to Mount Greylock summit
Approaching the War Memorial on the summit
Bascom Lodge at the summit.
Summit View
Small Pond off of Appalachian Trail
Sunset along paved Rockwell Road heading back to parking area.

[  0.00]  Cross Rockwell Road and follow Sperry Road (gravel road) beyond barrier
[  1.50]  Stoney Ledge Overlook; at far end of Sperry Road, follow trail into woods towards Stoney Ledge Campsite veering left at fork just before campsite
[  1.65]  Turn right on Haley Farm Trail when Stoney Ledge Trail goes left
[  1.95]  Short side trail on right to view
[  2.50]  White blazes interspersed with blue blazes on Haley Farm Trail - still correct trail
[  3.50]  Keep to the left of the field towards sign then continue straight to woods and right on the dirt road
[  3.60]  Keep straight on dirt road when Hopper Brook Loop Trail (not on map) goes left
[  3.65]  Keep straight on dirt road which is now Money Brook Trail when Hopper Trail goes right
[  3.75]  Keep straight on Money Brook Trail which now becomes grass road when the other side of the Hopper Brook Loop trail comes in from the left
[  3.85]  The Hopper sign
[  3.95]  Cross bridge with Bob Quay memorial sign
[  4.05]  Cross small bridge over gully and turn left on trail going uphill away from Money Brook (this is a bypass that joins up with the trail along the brook again)
[  4.15]  Left on trail meeting back up with brook again
[  4.50]  Cross footbridge to right over brook; trail continues left other side of bridge; cutoff to Hopper Trail goes right
[  4.60]  Rock hop to left over side creek
[  4.90]  Rock hop over creek (was almost dry creek bed during this hike); trail continues to the left after crossing
[  4.95]  Keep right on Money Brook Trail when Mount Prospect Trail goes left
[  5.95]  Keep straight following arrow to Money Brook Falls, left goes to Appalachian Trail (will return to take this trail after short out and back to falls)
[  6.00]  Money Brook Falls; retrace to AT intersection
[  6.05]  At intersection turn right towards Wilbur's Clearing/AT
[  6.30]  At intersection turn left towards WIlbur's Clearing where right goes to Notch Road (can shorten hike by turning right, crossing Notch Road, right on Old Summit Road to right on AT)
[  6.50]  Wilbur's Clearing on left
[  6.65]  When trail ends at Appalachian Trail, turn left towards Mount Prospect view
[  6.90]  Mount Prospect view; retrace on AT (be sure to pick correct trail, the center trail, not the trails to either the left or right leaving the view)
[  7.15]  Keep straight on AT on logs when Money Brook Trail goes right
[  7.30]  Keep straight when side trail goes to Notch Road parking lot; cross paved Notch Road
[  7.45]  Keep straight on AT when side trail to Notch Road parking goes right
[  8.10]  Mount Williams summit and view; continue on AT
[  8.40]  Keep straight on AT when Old Summit Road/Bernard Farm Trail crosses over  (if shortening hike at 6.30 miles above, this is where the Old Summit Road meets up with the AT}
[  9.30]  Did not see Mount Fitch summit sign but probably summit is probably in this area
[10.05]  Keep straight on AT when Bellows Pipe Trail goes left
[10.50]  Mount Greylock summit; continue south on AT
[12.05]  Small pond on right
[11.25]  Turn right at fork on Hopper Trail towards Sperry Road Campground
[11.50]  Right on paved Rockwell Road (if enough daylight left, trails can be taken to Sperry Road back to parking)
[12.40]  Back at parking lot