Watchung Reservation - Union County, NJ
GPS Coordinates for Sky Top Picnic Area: 40.670467, -74.393181
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Parking along both sides of Sky Top Drive. |
Watchung Reservation Trail Map - County of Union, NJ
Watchung Reservation, NJ - Blue Brook at EveryTrail
3.75 miles
The white-blazed trail goes into the woods around the porta potty. |
A molting cardinal on the picnic table. |
The white-blazed trail enters the woods. |
Passing through a pretty pine area. |
An unmarked trail comes to a bridge over Blue Brook. |
On combined white and pink ... |
then leaving white when pink splits to the right to ... |
Hermit Pond |
The pink trail then follows closely along Blue Brook. |
Ruins of Feltville Mill. |
Deserted Village of Feltville up above. |
When pink crosses over a bridge to the right, an unmarked trail continues along Blue Brook. |
Back on white briefly ... |
before crossing the spillway (currently dry) at Lake Surprise. |
Lake Surprise from the spillway. |
White Baneberry |
On the blue-blazed trail to ... |
another unmarked trail on the other side of Blue Brook. |
The trail crosses over Blue Brook on a rock hop to loop around and repeat part of the unmarked trail from earlier back to the bridge below Feltville. |
Just the other side of the bridge an unmarked trail goes steeply up ... |
the Gorge ... |
and meets back up with the white trail. |
A tunnel through Sandy blowdowns. |
Back at Sky Top Picnic Area. |
[ 0.00] Take the white-blazed trail to the left of the picnic pavillion
[ 0.10] Stay right on white at the fork
[ 0.35] Keep right on white when a trail also goes left then after a few steps turn left on unmarked when white continues straight
[ 0.50] Keep straight when pink starts at Drake Farmhouse ruins; straight when boardwalk goes left
[ 0.55] Turn right on white/pink
[ 0.85] Turn right on pink when white goes straight
[ 0.95] Short side trail on right to Hermit's Pond
[ 1.05] Trail goes left along Blue Brook
[ 1.35] Pass Feltville Mill ruins; Deserted Village of Feltville up above to the left
[ 1.40] Keep straight when bridge goes right and another trail goes uphill to the left
[ 1.55] Go uphill to the left towards ruins when trail fizzles out, then right on upper level trail before log steps
[ 1.90] Left at T-intersection with bridge on right; after a few steps turn right on white
[ 2.10] Turn right at dam and if dry, cross over
[ 2.15] Turn right other side of dam
[ 2.25] Turn left at T-intersection then keep right at fork on blue; keep right on unmarked at next fork
[ 2.35] Keep right on trail coming in from the left (not all of these trails are on the map but was keeping along the brook as much as possible)
[ 2.40] Keep right towards Blue Brook when blue continues straight
[ 2.50] Keep right on blue as it comes in from the left; after few steps, straight on white when blue leaves left
[ 2.60] Keep right downhill on unmarked when white forks to the left
[ 2.70] Rock hop over Blue Brook when trail ends and continue left on other side
[ 2.80] Turn left and cross bridge; at fork keep left uphill
[ 2.90] Keep left at fork at top of ascent
[ 2.95] Turn right at T-intersection on white
[ 3.05] Right on white at next T-intersection
[ 3.25] Cross over unmarked trail
[ 3.60] Turn left on unmarked when white goes straight
[ 3.75] Back at parking