Ohiopyle State Park - Pennsylvania DCNR
GPS Coordinates 39.868358, -79.494410
In the afternoon people are circling for a parking spot so best to get there early. |
Ohiopyle State Park Trail Map - Pennsylvania DCNR
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HIKE DISTANCE: 5.5 miles
We started by heading towards the bridge which is the Great Allegheny Passage bike trail. We would be on a bit of that later. |
For now crossing the river on the pedestrian part of the road bridge. |
The Youghiogheny River and the Great Allegheny Passage. |
Just after the bridge, left into the parking lot and straight through to the far end... |
... to the Ferncliff Natural Area |
We went left on the Ferncliff Trail. |
The trail comes out at the river and follows a very scenic stretch on rock slabs. |
Three common merganser ladies. |
The visitor center observation decks across the river. |
Continuing the loop at a higher level with the river down below to the left. |
This trail is blazed black/blue but sometimes the blazes are hard to see. |
Staying left on the Ferncliff Trail when the Fernwood Trail goes right. |
The trail makes a sharp right but it also goes straight a short distance to underneath the Great Allegheny Passage where it ends. |
We backtracked and followed where the trail turned up to the Great Allegeheny passage and turned left to ... |
... cross the bridge. |
Youghiogheny River from the Great Allegheny Passage |
Just after the bridge, left on the Great Gorge Trail. |
This is a smooth, wide trail all the way out to ... |
.. left over a bridge. |
Just after the bridge, left after the Cucumber Falls Sign. |
Cucumber Falls which is insanely crowded because there is a parking lot to get to it. |
Descending to the bottom of Cucumber Falls. |
It was impossible to get a picture without other people in it. |
Continuing on past the falls on the yellow-blazed trail. |
Looking back at Cucumber Falls from the yellow trail. |
The Meadow Run Trail, also blazed yellow goes up to the right. |
This is a very rugged trail where I found unprepared and elderly people unaware of how challenging this trail is. |
The trail passes along the river with great views. |
At the sign, a short out and back to the Slides. |
I didn't zoom in far enough but there were people riding down the chute in the distance like they were in a water park. |
Heading back to that last sign where we turned left up to the road. |
Left on the road ... |
... and follow the yellow footprints back to the visitor center. |
At the visitor center heading back to where we parked. |
Brodie is all vacationed out. After this hike, a little over 5 hours to home. 2,390 miles of driving and 50 miles of hiking over 10 days in 4 states.. |