Sunday, September 8, 2024

Allamuchy Mountain State Park, NJ - Jefferson Lake Loop


GPS Coordinates 40.92156, -74.73881
Sussex Branch Parking

Morris County Highlands Trails Map 126 - New York New Jersey Trail Conference


Starting on the Sussex Branch Trail.
The light up ahead is the clearing where Jefferson Lake is.
Just before the lake, a right on the Byram Trail.
Jefferson Lake
Coming out on a residential street for a short distance.
At the intersection there is a path on the left ...
... that leads to ...
Jefferson Lake.
Continuing on following the path to the right to ...
... the boat launch parking ...
... then left across the dam.
The sign on the right is very faint but it says "TRAIL ----->"
Oh no, what is this "bridge closed" sign?
Rats!  That totally destroys the hike I had planned.  However it appeared others had gone on over the bridge via an opening to the left of the fencing.
So I went on around then VERY carefully over staying to the far left and ...
... on we went.  
At the fork we left the gravel path to the left on a dirt footpath.
At the end of that path, left on the Highlands Trail.
When the Highlands Trail turned left, we turned right on an unmarked trail.
We worked our way around on unmarked trails over to the Sussex Branch Trail up ahead ...
... then turned left for a short distance ...
... to a right on the blue Iron Mine Trail.  (Keeping straight on the Sussex Branch Trail would make it about a 4.5 mile hike.)
At the double left turn blazes, we went right on unmarked.
Those were a couple of large rocks that had been pulled up out of the ground.  No doubt a bear looking for his dinner of bugs.
Right on red.
Right on unmarked.
Left on white.
And at the fork right on yellow.
Stopping at the overlook for views of the Musconetcong River and Waterloo Lakes.
Tilcon Lake
Leaving the overlook on the Highlands Trail.
Right on yellow/white.
Staying on white when yellow leaves to the right.
Right on the Sussex Branch Trail back to the parking lot.