Trail Maintenance


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Western Catskills, NY - Delhi Trails

Delhi Trails (Mr. Crawford) - Catskill Mountain Club

GPS Coordinates 42.272913, -74.913415
Parking in front of Sheldon Park at the end of Sheldon Drive opposite the Delaware Academy.

Delhi Trails - Catskill Mountain Club (At this time this is the most current map showing pending reroutes which partially exist and were hikable.  The challenge brochure contains the old map showing part of the trail that is no longer accessible on private property.)

HIKE DISTANCE:  4.2 miles

Start on the dirt road at the kiosk.
Continue straight past the brick building.
Logging operations tend to obliterate hiking signs and markers so this is the first sign I saw for the Gribley Trail.
It starts out on a woods road that has been chunked up probably by logging that took place last year before it was halted due to bad weather over the winter.  This is supposed to be starting up again in June 2021 so be sure to check the Catskill Mountain Club page for updates.
Watch for a footpath leaving the woods road to the right.  No sign at this time.
This ascends steeply up Mt. Crawford.
At the top there was supposed to be a view but it is overgrown.
No worries, there is more to come.
Staying on the Gribley Trail.  After the logging section signs are plentiful directing the way.
With a sign pointing to a view, there must be a view!
There is!
We turned right on the Bulldog Run Trail.
When the Bulldog Run Trail meets back up with the Gribley Trail, right briefly on Gribley ...
... then left towards Immanuel Lutheran Church.
A kiosk just before ...
... Immanuel Lutheran Church where there is also parking except on Sundays when church is in service.
Walk out of the parking lot ...
... then left a short distance to the sign just beyond the fire hydrant.
I had pulled into the church lot on my way in to scope this out to see if this new part of the rerouted trail existed yet and saw the sign but I did not realize it was only the sign at this point.  There was no trail yet.
But no problem, it was a very short distance through overgrowth to a nicely mowed path where we turned left.
Down to the left a yellow sign ...
... where the trail descends and enters the woods.
Turning right to cross the bridge (to the left away from the bridge would be the private property that is no longer accessible).
After the bridge the trail is pretty overgrown but still passable.
Mt. Crawford that we had just climbed to the right.
West Branch Delaware River
Baltimore Oriole
Watch for a side trail to the right that descends steeply to Smith Pond.
Coming up on ...
Route 28 where we turned left ...
... then crossed over to the sidewalk.
It's a short distance to a right on Sheldon Drive ...
... back to parking on the left up ahead.


  1. What a great adventure, stay cool friends,

    1. We did stay cool! It was a gorgeous day with low humidity and high temps in the 60's. A perfect day to take off work to go hiking.
