Trail Maintenance


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Pyramid Mountain Natural Area, NJ - Kincaid Woods

Pyramid Mountain Natural Historical Area - Morris County Parks Commission

GPS Coordinates 40.953248, -74.407991
Kincaid Woods Parking Lot

Jersey Highlands Trail Map 125 - NYNJ Trail Conference
At this time the 2016 edition is out of print with a 2021 edition pending.  The 2016 map shows the trails I hiked in different colors and a trail has been eliminated.  The Morris County Park map shows new blazing completed 3/18/2021.
Pyramid Mountain Historic Area Trail Map - Morris County Parks Commission
Y (yellow) is now K (pink/black).  YK (yellow/black) is now K (pink)  P (pink) is eliminated but still exists.  W (white) is now O (orange).

HIKE DISTANCE: 5.8 miles

The pink/black Kincaid Trail starts from the parking lot.
We went right on pink which used to be yellow/black.
Well this was a surprise!  This is where the pink trail was on the 2016 map. This trail was not on my 2011 map so seems it only existed for 5 years.  Nowhere did it say it was forbidden to go that way so we went. 
The trail still exists and is still very easy to follow.  You can see where the pink blazes have been painted over along the way.
The trail ends at a creek ...
... with private property clearly posted to the left.
Heading back.
Right now this is the only blow down on the trail but in time the whole trail will be obliterated.
A remaining pink blaze.
Back at that sign where we turned right ...
... to continue on pink.
Pink ends ...
... at pink/black where we turned right.
Old mines everywhere.
An old yellow blaze.
At times it appears the trail is going over the edge but it never does.
The pink/black trail ends at orange (which used to be white).  This was our turn around point.
Balloon #9 of the year.
Passing by pink and now retracing to the parking lot.


  1. I hiked there late Saturday and again on Sunday around 11AM so I just may have missed you guys. I really would have liked to meet Brodie. He seems to have recovered well from the dental work and that is great. The trails get quite a few hikers and dog walkers particularly the plain pink trail. I don't see much in the way of birds and animals. I am going to contact Morris County Parks Commission about why the one trail appears to be inactivated since the old maps show County property for the most part of that trail. I tried to preview my message and it disappeared so I had to rewrite. Oh well, it was good to see the photos of the hike.

    1. Probably missed each other by minutes. I think I left about 10:50. Brodie is back to his normal self. Yes, it seems that most people do that pink loop. I saw several others there as I was finishing. I started at the crack of dawn and was the only one at that time. I didn't see anyone at all on the pink/black out to the end at the orange trail and back. Nearing the end of pink/black there was lots of chatter from people on the orange trail. That side gets crazy busy.
