Trail Maintenance


Saturday, September 12, 2020

State Game Lands 221, PA - Devils Hole and Seven Pines Mountain

Visit these unusual spots for a jaunt through Monroe and Pike’s pasts - Pocono Record
Devil's Hole Trail - Discover NEPA

GPS Coordinates 41.140650, -75.333538
Parking Lot off Devil's Hill Road in SGL 221

State Game Lands 221 - PA Game Commission (map is pretty useless for hiking)
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None of the trails are marked.  Most are very easy to follow, others not.  The water was very low on this day but other times of the year Devil's Hole Creek is much higher and is crossed many, many times.
From the parking lot take the game lands road that continues straight through the lot - not the one the goes to the left at the entrance of the lot.
Coming up on the first crossing of Devil's Hole Creek.
I was able to rock hop all of the crossings with the low water level.
The path is wide and well-defined early on as it follows along Devil's Hole Creek.
Second Crossing - Brodie is a master rock hopper not wanting to get his paws wet.
Would this be the devil?
Third Crossing
Fourth Crossing
Coming up on some ruins.
Nobody knows for sure what this was.  Some say a speakeasy.
Continuing on, the next crossing would be the 5th but we turned left to continue to the falls first.  We'd cross here later to go to Seven Pines Mountain.
So for now, left at this ruin staying to the left of the creek.
The path becomes less defined now as it seems most people turn back at the ruins.
The creek crossing are too numerous to count here.  Sometimes there is a faint path, sometimes several faint paths, sometimes no path.  You just have to zig zag back and forth finding a way up the creek.
It's very wild but very pretty farther in. 
Brodie had to go off leash at the crossings so he didn't yank and pull me in but there was no wildlife around to engage his prey drive and he waited nicely on the other side for me to hook him back up.
Coming up on the main falls.
And here they are, running strong even with the low water level.
The falls from the top.
We continued on a bit farther to the state game lands boundary before turning back.
Heading back down through the gorge.
A look back at the waterfall.
Back at that ruin ...
... left to cross over Devil's Hole Creek to head to Seven Pines Mountain.
There were steps built into the hillside so we went up to see what was there but it just fizzled out into overgrowth at the top so back we went.
On the game lands road heading up Seven Pines Mountain.
Lots of rhododendron along the way.  This would be pretty in June/July when in bloom.
I had read that this part is "a beautiful shady ridge with views."  That would lead me to believe that even with foliage (shady) there would be views.
There was definitely foliage/shade but other than a little snippet here and there, no views.  With the leaves down there would probably be ongoing views along the ridge. But that was fine - it was a cool, breezy day up on the ridge with peace and quiet and nobody else around.
Shortly after seeing the cell tower ...
... right on a less defined road to loop around Seven Pines Mountain.
This road probably will not exist much longer as it is being taken over by nature.  Still passable but rough in spots with lots of evidence of bear activity although no bears were seen.
Coming out on a gravel road to the cell tower, left ...
... then left again to complete the loop.
Passing by where we had turned on the less defined woods road, now retracing back.
Have to remember to turn right here as it looks like left would lead back to the parking lot but probably through private property as it leaves the game lands.
The views to the left that I could barely see.
I was able to make out the Delaware Water Gap with Mount Tammany on the left and Mount Minsi on the right.
Passing back by the ruins.
Almost had a collision with this downy woodpecker.
Now that we were almost finished, I didn't bother rock hopping.
It was easier to just slog on through the water.

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