Trail Maintenance


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pequannock Watershed, NJ - Echo Lake Loop

Pequannock Watershed - City of Newark
Highlands Trail Guide - NYNJ Trail Conference
Because it is not convenient to obtain a permit, it's solitude hiking for sure.  The last time I had a permit was in 2012 and I don't recall ever running into another hiker.  Now, during COVID-19, it's even more inconvenient to obtain a permit.  Even though the permit has to be picked up in person, I highly recommend completing the application and paying online to avoid passing money/credit cards around.  Print out the confirmation and receipt that will be emailed and take that along as well as your own pen so you don't have to use the pen others have been using that passes around.  There is a clipboard with another form to fill out that is passed down the line so be aware of that.  There was a huge bottle of hand sanitizer available.  Here is the current information for the Echo Lake office.
When I called (973-697-1724) to be sure they were open, I got a recording saying they cut the line off at 12.  The line?!?!?  I took a half day off work and got there at 11:30 and yes, there was a line.

Nobody waited in their car, everyone stayed in line 6 feet apart with face coverings on.
There were only about 10 people ahead of me (almost all for boating and fishing permits) but I waited in line for one hour.  It's a very slow process after they take your paperwork inside to whip up the permit.

UPDATE 1/30/2021:
Per John's comment below:  "I filled out the form and paid online and then picked up the permit and sticker yesterday. The office is back to normal office hours M - F (8 or 9 to 4 - they never actually posted the hours on line). They only allow one person in the office at a time due to COVID, but on a Friday at 3:00 PM no one else was there. The people there were very friendly and the whole thing took 5 minutes."

GPS Coordinates 41.046887, -74.410392

Echo Lake office lot, also parking for this hike.  This picture was at the end of my hike when the office was closed.  The lot was packed when I arrived but fortunately a few cars had just pulled out as I pulled in so I got a spot.

North Jersey Trails Map 116 - NYNJ Trail Conference
There is a map without elevation contours in the brochure which is given with the permit and car sticker.
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HIKE DISTANCE:  7.2 miles

Since I had to drive all they way out there to pick up my permit, why not hike?
Taking the Highlands Trail from the parking lot towards Echo Lake.
Not trespassing - have permit!
The Highlands Trail runs along Echo Lake for almost 2 miles on the western side.
There are a lot of wet spots along the way but most have sufficient rocks to rock hop through.
My puddle frogs are back!  I love these guys.
The far end of Echo Lake becomes a swamp.
There is an old white trail that leaves the Highlands Trail to the right.
As was the case in 2012. the trail fizzles out in the swamp.
Back at the Highlands Trail going steeply uphill.
Looking back down at Echo Lake.
The Highlands Trail turns right on a woods road.
Keeping straight shortens the hike a bit and eliminates a downhill and uphill but we stayed left with the Highlands Trail.
When the Highlands Trail comes out on Gould Road, we turned right for a 1.7 mile road walk.
At the top of the hill that woods road that the Highlands Trail had split off from comes out on the right.
Gould Road starts to run along a swamp.
Northern Flicker in the swamp.
At Clover Road look to the right ...
... for the beginning of the white trail although no distinct trail is visible.  I just went on in ...
... came out on a woods road and saw blazes to the right making the trail loop back the way I had come up Gould Road.
After an old guardrail and remnants of a paved road, the trail turns left into the woods.
The white trail is actually well-blazed, just not at the very beginning.
Coming out at Echo Lake where the trail will stay with the lake on the eastern side the rest of the way.
This looks like ...
... a nice break spot.
The Highlands Trail joins in from the left.
This little guy disappeared ...
... into his little house.
Coming up on ...
... Echo Lake Drive for a short road walk back to the parking lot.


  1. Looks like you got to take advantage of a nice sunny day! Do you have any advice for tick control? Max and I went to Bear Swamp today and I spent the ride home pulling ticks off me. Mosquitos don't bother me much, but ticks and chiggers adore me.

    1. What has worked great for me is clothing, especially shoes, treated with Permethrin every 6 weeks. Permethrin apparently does not attach well to spandex so when I wear leggings I spray them with Picaradin, which is safe for clothing. When I wear shorts I spray Deep Woods OFF on my legs. Haven't seen any ticks on myself since I started treating with Permethrin. I read that just treating your shoes eliminates something like 65% of the ticks you would otherwise pick up.

  2. Thank you! I ordered the Spray for clothing and the lotion for skin. I usually treat Max with frontline but tried Advantix this year, as it's touted as a repellent. Hopefully those blood sucking demons will avoid us both.

  3. Just wanted to do a COVID update on the permit process, since I got my 2021 permit yesterday. I filled out the form and paid online and then picked up the permit and sticker yesterday. The office is back to normal office hours M - F (8 or 9 to 4 - they never actually posted the hours on line). They only allow one person in the office at a time due to COVID, but on a Friday at 3:00 PM no one else was there. The people there were very friendly and the whole thing took 5 minutes. (I didn't expect the permit that has to be carried to be 8.5 x 11 inches, though!)

    1. Thanks for the info! I will update the blog to reflect that. I bet you were the only one because nobody is getting boating/fishing permits yet.
