Trail Maintenance


Saturday, June 15, 2019

Kinzua Bridge State Park, PA

Kinzua Bridge State Park - Pennsylvania DCNR

GPS Coordinates 41.759449, -78.586946
I had intended to park at the General Kane trailhead, which is overflow parking, and make a 3-mile continuous hike out of the available trails but because it kept raining, I decided to do the skywalk first and they see if I could work in the General Kane Trail later.  So this is the main parking lot at the visitor center.

Kinzua Bridge State Park Trail Map - Pennsylvania DCNR
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Both tracks together showing the connecting trail that can be used to make it one hike.

Skywalk and Kinzua Creek Trail - 1.6 miles
General Kane Trail - 1.2 miles

It had rained on the drive in but stopped just as we arrived to off so the skywalk first to get that in.
I had read that if you are afraid of heights that there is no way you can go out on the skywalk.  I am here to tell you, as someone terribly afraid of heights, that it is totally not true.  With the beefy railing, I was completely OK with it.
I was even able to look over the edge to take pictures of the Kinzua Creek Trail down below without getting weak in the knees.
The glass floor at the end didn't bother us either but then it's very foggy and not at all clear glass so that could be why.
View from the end of the skywalk.
Heading back.
After looping back around to my car to grab a new camera battery, stopping at the observation platform on the way to the Kinzua Creek Trail.  Rain still holding off.
The end of the skywalk where we were previously.
Now down the steep stone steps that we will have to climb back up on later.
Just as we hit the trail at the bottom of the steps, the rain caught up with us.  I had taken an umbrella since it was short and so I could still take pictures and not get the camera wet.  Plus the umbrella served as a trekking pole on the way back up.  When it wasn't raining, that is.
Bridge over ...
Kinzua Ceek
There are no trespassing signs everywhere.  Per DCNR: "Due to unsafe conditions in the area of the downed towers, visitors are prohibited from walking under the skywalk and in the surrounding area as indicated on the map."
Yet there are people with their CHILDREN in the forbidden zone teaching them rules don't apply.  This is how places get closed down to the public.  Unbelievable.
Heading back up.  And it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
This is an authorized view under the skywalk near the top of the Kinzua Creek Trail.
The rain had stopped so we drove on over to the General Kane Trail at the overflow parking lot.
The General Kane Trail is flat and easy alternating between mowed grass and woods road.
And here comes the rain again.
Back at the car.
Just as we left, rain started coming down hard and it rained all the way to ...
... the motel in Youngstown, Ohio.

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