Trail Maintenance


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Daniel Boone National Forest, KY - Auxier Trails

Daniel Boone National Forest - USDA
Auxier Area Trails - USDA

GPS Coordinates 37.820081, -83.68079
The drive in on Tunnel Road is very pretty.  Parking at at the very end of Tunnel Road.
Parking at the Auxier Ridge Trailhead - already packed at 9AM, probably mostly overnight camper with other hikers arriving later in the day.

Auxier Area Trails - USDA
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HIKE DISTANCE:  6.85 miles

We started on the Double Arch Trail to the left and returned on the Auxier Ridge Trail on the right.
The trail starts out as a footpath that connects to ...
... a gravel path.  All trails are blazed with white diamonds and they are often few and far between but paths are well-defined so they are easy to follow.
A little lingering fog up ahead.
The Double Arch Trail turns right here but we went left ...
... over the log to the left ...
... on a short side path to some views.
This was just a preview of what was to come.
Back to the fork to the Double Arch Trail....
... down a long flight of steps.
At the intersection with the Auxier Branch Trail, left on the Double Arch Trail.
Pileated Woodpecker
As we arrived at the Double Arches ...
... I was only able to get these shots when ...
... people with FIVE off leash dogs came charging up behind us and Brodie freaked.  I asked them to leash their dogs and they just stood and stared at me like I was requesting something that was over the top unreasonable.  I dragged Brodie away and left.  So much for enjoying a view.
We retraced back to the intersection and turned left on the Auxier Branch Trail.
An easy rock hop over Auxier Branch.
At the intersection, left towards Courthouse Rock.  This is now the Auxier Ridge Trail but the sign does not say that.
A little bit of scrambling ...
... and Courthouse Rock is to the left.
Courthouse Rock
Heading to the right are steps up to the ridge.  I was worried about the grates but Brodie went right up, no problem.
These steps keep going ...
... and going.
A better view of Courthouse Rock from the steps.
Now on the ridge.  I had heard that this would not be good for those with a fear of heights (such as me) but I had asked two women coming down and they said it was not bad at all.  They were right, I was fine with it.  There was enough vegetation along the sides and open areas were wide enough for my knees not to start knocking.  Had I not been able to do it, I would have retraced to the Auxier Branch Trail and gone that way.
The weather was alternating between sprinkles and sunshine, sometimes both at the same time.
At the intersection, the Courthouse Rock Trail comes in from the right, keep left on the Auxier Ridge Trail.
Back at the parking lot.
Another 5 hours of driving in 45 mph wind gusts (thank goodness we made it off the ridge before that started) to St. Louis, Missouri to visit my mom.