Trail Maintenance


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Allamuchy Mountain State Park, NJ - Western Side

Allamuchy Mountain State Park - NJ Division of Environmental Protection

GPS Coordinates 40.92470, -74.80852
Parking off of Route 517.  I strongly advise backing in since there is quite a bit of traffic later in the day and it would be very hard to safely back out when leaving.

Allamuchy Mountail Map - NJ Division of Environmental Protection
Jersey Highlands Trail Map 126 - New York New Jersey Trail Conference
Allamuchy Mountain State Park Map - JORBA
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HIKE DISTANCE:  5.5 miles

There was a path straight up to the orange trail behind my car but it was too steep so I started on the gated woods road to see if there was an easier way up.
Just before this blow down I was able to leave the old road to the right a few steps on to the orange trail.
Right on the orange trail.
Passing where I parked from up above.
Just a short distance beyond there was a much smoother access to the orange trail.  We'd be taking that back to the car at the end.
At purple we left orange and turned right.
Not a mylar balloon but I packed it out.
When purple turns left at the Camp Allamuchy sign ...
... it becomes a much straighter trail.
Purple ends at white; we turned left.
Heading to the old dam for a break.
At the intersection with orange...
... white goes downhill a short distance to another parking option.
Retracing back to orange.
When orange forks, we turned right since left would have taken us to where we had already been.
It was 70 degrees so apparently Brodie decided it was OK to get his paws wet as he sloshed on through.
Lots of old growth trees along the way.
Brodie knew where we had come up on orange and tried to go that way but I wanted to continue on orange.
Passing my the parking area ...
... to the easier way down.
They're baaaaaaack!  This one was on me.  Brodie did not have any since he had just been treated with K9 Advantix.  Time for me to start spraying Deep Woods OFF! again.


  1. Darn ticks! Most unwelcome sign of spring. Notice Brodie's wearing panniers. Good for him! Now he can help pack out new additions to the balloon collection. :)


  2. Section Hiker blog has a really good article that anyone who ventures out to where there are ticks might find helpful entitled "Backpacking Lyme Disease Prevention"
    Philip Werner (the author and Section Hiker) wrote it in his Health & Hygiene, Insect Protection section.
    Bill from Clifton

    1. Thanks, I have read that before but quite honestly, I am not inclined to do all of that and no way am I wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts in the summer. Deep Woods OFF has always worked for me, just need to start using it.

  3. Good photography of a cool hiking. Why you have tied you doggy, are you fearing he will runaway. Nowadays, dogs are great companions for hikers in the forest. The trees just after the winter looks crazy.
    Happy hiking.

  4. Hello - just a small reminder to check your date. If I recall last weekend, Sunday the 15th was cloudy and very cold, while Saturday the 14th was actually in the 70's. (Not to mention one comment posted at 12:20 on supposed day of the hike.)

  5. I was into hiking recently and i would like to bring my dog. but i have to train him to build endurance to carry packs. ANd soon if i could find a perfect camping spot that we might spent time over night.
