Trail Maintenance


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Millers Pond State Park, CT

Millers Pond State Park - Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
Mettabasset Trail - Connecticut Forest & Park Assn. Blue-Blazed Hiking Trail System

GPS Coordinates 41.480454, -72.629223

View Larger Map

Millers Pond State Park Trail Map - Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

HIKE DISTANCE:  10 miles - shorter or longer loops possible

This hike starts on the red-blazed trail at the right side of the parking lot.  This is an 8+ mile multi-use loop trail around the park with a lot of mountain bike ramps and several stream crossings
This was not an issue on a Sunday but something to keep in mind.  This sign was along the northwestern section of the red-blazed trail.
Millers Pond comes into view shortly before turning on the blue-blazed Mattabasset Trail.
The blue-blazed Messabasset Trail has some steep sections with rock scrambles.
Just before Bear Rock overlook, a sign for the Bear Rock Bypass Trail.
View from Bear Rock on the Mattabasset Trail.
As an alternative to finishing the loop on the red-blazed trail, other trails lead to Millers Pond for a change of scenery.
Millers Pond
The white-blazed trail, joined with the blue-blazed Mattabasset Trail before it veers off, follows around Millers Pond.

[  0.00]  Start on red trail right side of parking lot
[  0.50]  Straight on red when red/white goes left
[  0.80]  Straight on red when red/white goes left; left on unmarked briefly
[  0.90]  Red picks back up to the right
[  4.60]  Right on the blue Messabasset Trail when red goes straight
[  5.20]  Cross over woods road
[  5.70]  Bear Rock overlook uphill just after bypass trail on the left; retrace
[  6.20]  Cross over woods road
[  6.80]  Right on red when blue goes straight
                   for 7.75 mile hike keep straight on blue to right on blue/white to white
[  8.60]  Left on red/white when red goes straight
[  9.40]  Right on blue/white at Millers Pond
[  9.80]  Keep straight on white when blue leaves to the right
[10.00]  Back at parking lot


  1. Do you track how long your hikes take? This would be useful for me, especially for the CT maps which don't show elevation gain. We don't wake up as early as you, so having estimates is useful - as we need to calculate how early we have to start in order to finish by dark. We have a pretty good sense of how our times compare to Daniel Chazin's times on the NYNJTC site.

    Lynn & 2 border collies

  2. No, I don't track time. I stop a lot to take pictures and check out side trails so it would be a nightmare to factor that in. I usually use 1.5 miles per hour when planning.

