Trail Maintenance


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sky Meadows State Park, VA

ABOUT THE PARK:  Sky Meadows State Park


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TRAIL MAP:  Sky Meadows State Park Trail Guide


From the visitor center parking lot, with the Mount Bleak House behind you, walk across the road towards the kiosk where the hiking trails begin.  Take the gravel road out passing cow pastures on the right where the red-blazed Piedmont Overlook and blue-blazed North Ridge Trails terminate.
When the gravel road turn right, keep straight on the Snowden Interpretive Trail, a 1.14 mile loop.
After completing the loop, continue to the left on the gravel road.  A short distance ahead at 1.60 miles, turn left on the yellow-blazed South Ridge Trail.  At 1.80 miles a short side trail to the right leads to a scenic overlook with a bench.
Backtrack and continue on the yellow-blazed South Ridge Trail arriving at the Snowden Manor Ruins at 1.90 miles.
At 2.15 miles arrive at a bench with scenic views.
Turn left on the blue-blazed North Ridge Trail at 3.00 miles.  Turn right on the white-blazed Appalachian Trail at 3.50 miles.  After a short distance turn left on the purple-blazed Old Trail, the original Appalachian Trail before it was rerouted.  At 5.40 miles arrive back at the white-blazed Appalachian Trail, turn right.
At 6.00 miles turn left on the light-blue blazed Ambassador Whitehouse Trail which leads over meadows with views.
At 7.00 miles turn left on the dark blue-blazed North Ridge Trail briefly then left on the red-blazed Piedmont Overlook Trail and over steps.
At 7.25 miles arrive at the Upper Piedmont Overlook
where the trail descends to the Lower Piedmont Overlook
At 7.80 miles go up and over another series of steps, turn left and down a short flight of steps, then left on the gravel road which lead back to the trailhead.  Arrive back at the visitor center parking lot at 8.00 miles.

[0.00]  From visitor center parking lot cross road to trailhead proceeding up gravel road
[0.40]  Stay straight on Snowden Interpretive Trail when gravel road turns right
[1.50]  Exit Snowden Interpretive Trail; continue left on gravel road
[1.60]  Turn left on yellow-blazed South Ridge Trail
[1.80]  Side trail on right to scenic overlook with bench
[1.90]  Snowden Manor ruins
[2.15]  Bench at scenic overlook
[3.00]  Left on blue-blazed North Ridge Trail
[3.50]  Right on white-blazed Appalachian Trail
[3.58]  Left on purple-blazed Old Trail
[5.40]  Right on white-blazed Appalachian Trail
[6.00]  Left on light blue-blazed Ambassador Whitehouse Trail
[6.40]  Scenic overlook
[7.00]  Left on dark-blue blazed North Ridge Trail
[7.10]  Left on red-blazed Piedmont Overlook Trail
[7.25]  Upper Piedmont Overlook
[7.80]  Go up and over steps, turn left down short flight of steps, left on gravel road
[8.00]  Arrive back at visitor center parking lot

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